Your Resource for Physical Therapy School Admission

Get the inside edge on the PT school application, interview process and how to succeed in PT school.

How can we help you excel as a PT?

  • Let one of our PT mentors guide you each step of the way. Your PT mentor will help you realize your strengths, build on your weak points, and work with you until you are admitted into the school of your choice!

  • The personal statement is one of the most important components of your application. This lets the application committee learn more about you (beyond your application), why you want to become a PT, and explain any question marks on your application.

    Who our editing is for:

    • If you don’t know where to begin on your personal statement send us your resume and we can help you find ways to start your first draft

    • If you want editing for grammatical and syntax review

    • Whether it’s your first draft, last draft, or anywhere in between, we can help prepare your personal statement to be loved by the admission committee.

  • If you got invited to an interview ensure you are prepared to impress the admission committee. Don’t give them a reason to deny or waitlist you!

    Sign up for a one-on-one mock interview (video chat) with a PT who participates in PT admissions. Following your mock interview, you will get a personalized critique and action plan to ensure you feel comfortable and confident for your official interview day.

  • This is your one stop shop for all things PT school admissions, interview, personal statement and tips to excel in PT school.

    Why choose this guide? We have read all of the books that exist for the pre-PT and this guide is the most in-depth on the market and we have the complete view on all things PT school.

  • You want to make sure your application is optimized to be submitted to the admission committee and not automatically lost in the sea of applicants.

    We will review your PTCAS and ensure you are not missing and details as well as checking for any grammar or mistakes.

Other PT school resources

IMC PT mentoring Program

Coming soon!

Let us know how we can help you excel as a future PT!